European Parliament

Euroscola online game for schools

This quiz game invites 1300+ schools in each semester to form teams and play to win a trip to Brussels, home of European Parliament. Other than a safe game engine, we have created a complex administration backend for managing schools, questions, email notifications, games and scores. (2015)

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We Are Open

Google CSR program

We have rebuilt this site in 2016 from ground up on an entirely WordPress theme, while migrating all previously existing company data. A sophisticated sign up procedure directs visitors into a longer sign up process, which is moderated by the operators, and then supporters get listed as a company among others.

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Restaurant listing, review, delivery and reservation

This is a good example of when you have an idea, and we come up with complete plans and production. Foodyny wanted a multilingual site where restaurants can list themselves for free, and can subscribe to premium plans based on what other functionality they could use: table reservation, touchscreen orders on site, home delivery with online payment, digital room service for hotels, and recipes and blogging for visitors. (2016)

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Golf course management

TEE & YOU online golf course software

This online software is a rethinking of golf club management with Cloud Computing: all users and partnered clubs are managed in the same data space, always considering players’ convenience and the best interest of the clubs. It took us 2 years to launch, and have put an additional 4 years in developing and reinventing solutions. TEE & YOU has been the sole course management software in Pannonia Golf & Country Club since 2013.

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Auction site

Jewawa - Jewellery and Watches

We have created complete design, business processes, user stories and software development based on our client’s short brief. They wanted a site to advertise their (own) used products of jewellery and watches while accepting user generated content (ads) from anyone on a 1EUR / 1USD per ad basis.

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Music venue catalog

As a result of a series of articles we published for Heineken about their sponsored festivals and music events, we had been asked to design a small portal based on their existing data about (1) venues that serve their products (2) music related events at those places. We have built layouts to provide easy listing, filtering and search for near events, and have also introduced an RSS based news collector that showed related articles to certain bands or artists.

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