While going deeper into publishing this dating app in the App Store, we needed to create a website with a password protected back-end (Dashboard) for the partners promoting the application in the US, Italy, Germany, UAE, and now extending to Russia and China. As of now we have put as much effort in the partner back-end as into the user interface programming. In our partner web pages we have built a tracking system for the income realized on small value In-App-Purchases that are related to users of those partners’ activity. As in about only 30 out of our over 500 digital products, this application is in a state where it is developing extensively after being published, and newer problems have to be covered with smart digital solutions, eliminating human interaction where possible. This is something that makes us really like being in this business, when we put an initial 3 to 9 months work into something, and then we have an opportunity to evaluate, expand, redesign, and develop our product for another year, and another, continuously achieving a product complexity that we’re proud we could manage in success.

While working on Bluetooth Low Energy applications for the lighting and furniture industry, it came up to fully design and develop a dating application with search, matching, chat over Bluetooth, Push Notifications and In-App-Purchase functionality, that is much more similar to an “app” as how end users think about it. Other than designing the complete UI within Inteliza, we have developed the iOS version plus an extensive server side API and database.